Quality and Impartiality
The Quality Policy of the Certification Body SIET is as follows:
- SIET operates a documented Quality System in conformity with the national and international accreditation regulations;
- SIET makes specific operating procedures for managing changes to the product certification system, maintaining the continuous improvement of the Quality System in response to detected nonconformities and to changes of both requirements and internal and external conditions;
- SIET provides with services in an impartial manner and without discrimination to any company who requests them and whose products/management systems fall within the scope of the schemes operated;
- SIET provides the services at prices suitable to market conditions, aiming at full satisfaction of its customers in compliance with the requirements of professionalism, reliability, transparency, objectivity and confidentiality as prescribed by the European Standards;
- SIET keeps itself full responsible for all decisions concerning the issue, maintenance and withdrawal of product and management system certifications;
- SIET has made operational a Committee for Safeguarding Impartiality in order to facilitate the participation of all stakeholders in the development of policies and principles governing the operation and the purview of the certification system;
- SIET implements and maintains the conditions necessary to ensure the protection of confidential and proprietary information of customers, the preservation and transmission of test results.
Objectives and commitment to Quality
The SIET objectives for Quality are as follows:
- to meet the requirements for accreditation as defined by international standards and regulations by ACCREDIA (the Italian member of the EA - European Cooperation for Accreditation);
- to complete all tasks / jobs within the time limits agreed with the customers (companies applying for certification), in particular:
- review of the documents received from customers;
- issue of test report;
- issue of audit report;
- issue of conformity certificates.
- to meet the expectations of customers, as well as other stakeholders, with the quality and impartiality of the service offered;
- to issue certificates ensuring an efficient service in terms of costs, focusing the efforts in areas where the higher is the added value provided to the Company and the market needs to have safe and reliable products/services;
- to become the reference point on the Italian market for companies that require certification of products and management systems according to the certification schemes offered by SIET;
- to systematically identify, analyze, document and, as far as possible, to reduce possible conflicts of interest that could threaten the impartiality of SIET as Certification Body.