Research and Development

SIET is a world leader in the tests for the research and development of innovative components and systems for power production in particular of nuclear origin.

Testing lab

SIET provides the industry's thirty years of experience in the execution of tests for the development, testing, qualification and certification of mechanical components.


SIET operates as Product Certification Body through inspections at the Licensee premises and laboratory tests on sampled products.

Metrology and Calibration

The SIET metrological laboratory holds accreditation ISO/IEC 17025 for measurements of temperature and pressure, also provides calibration services for other types of instrumentation.

Engineering and Training

SIET provides companies with the technical and scientific skills developed over the years.


December 6th, 2024 - Webinar about passive safety systems

The European Thermal Hydraulics Community (ETHC) together with SNETP is hosting a webinar on passive safety in nuclear reactor applications.

October 30th, 2024 - Working in the Nuclear Field, Pisa

The University of Pisa is hosting a Career Event in collaboration with nuclear engineering. SIET will participate.

September 11th - 13th, 2024 - HYDROGEN EXPO

SIET will exhibit at the HYDROGEN EXPO in Piacenza. Exhibition and conference dedicated to the development of the hydrogen supply chain.

June 18th - 21st, 2024 - IAEA Workshop: Small Modular Reacto…

SIET attending the IAEA ME-INT2023-2304138 Interregional Workshop on Experimental Testing and Validation for Design and Safety Analysis Computer Codes for SMRs

June 4th and 5th, 2024 - EDF European Nuclear Suppliers' Day…

SIET participates in the first edition of the EDF European Nuclear Suppliers' Days in Paris.

December 15th, 2023 - ELSMOR European Project: Paper

Paper 6672504 was published: Experimental Results on an Innovative Decay Heat Removal System Based on a Plate-Type Heat Exchanger.

SIET at the WNE - World Nuclear Exhibition

WNE World Nuclear Exhibition from 28 to 30 November 2023 at Paris Nord Villepinte Parc des Expositions.

European project PASTELS: representatives visit SIET company

A visit to SIET from the representatives of the organizations participating in project PASTELS (2020 - 2024) was organized on May 11th.

Safety - Lessons Learned

SIET has established a register to share with customers, suppliers and subcontractors the experience and lessons learned from accidents, incidents, near-accidents and dangerous behaviour, with particular attention to increasing the safety culture, to maximize prevention.

Horizon 2020 ELSMOR Project

SIET participated to the 3rd annual meeting of the Horizon 2020 ELSMOR project in Cadarache (France).


SIET participated as a speaker to the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform FORUM.

What we do

Transparent Administration
