Safety systems
The GEST - PANTHERS facility (Performance ANalysis and Testing of HEat Removal Systems) has been used for testing the operation of two full-scale heat exchanger prototypes called IC (Isolation Condenser) and PCC (Passive Containment Condenser) designed by Ansaldo for the SBWR reactor (Simplified Boiling Water Reactor) by General Electric

The results achieved during the experimental campaigns, performed in the real operating conditions of the components, have allowed to verify both the thermohydraulic and mechanical performances of the heat exchangers under testing.

Main GEST-PANTHERS fluid conditions:
IC | PCC | |
Heat Transfer Rate, MW | 20 | 10 |
Pressure, MPa | 9.7 | 0,9 |
Temperature, °C | 309 | 170 |
Superheated steam flow rate, kg/s | 12 | 6 |
Incondensable flow rat, kg/s | 1 | 1 |